
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lasting Memories #44 "Scrapbook pages that Recycle"

Good Morning,

So here we are again with another Lasting Memories submission.  This week we are using recycle-able things, or reusing something we can re-purpose.  This challenge wasn't hard for me at should see my craft room.  I keep EVERYTHING that I think can be reused, recycled or re-purposed.  When I was growing up, my mom used to say "when we move, we just need to pack Brenda's room, because if you need it, it's in there".  Ha, well mom, I'm still that way!!!  I guess I've been helping save the earth for at least 37 years...uhum!!!  The other day I was going through some of my son's clothes that don't fit anymore and I donate a lot of stuff to Goodwill and such.  He had these awesome dress shirts, but they had some stains so I took the buttons off.  Yup, recycle them babies.  Then I went through the linen closet and found some table runners that I've had for a hundred years and don't ever use.  As I was packing them up when I thought some of them had some lace on them that I could reuse somehow, so out came the scissors.  I was also cleaning out some of my flower designs that have lost their use.  I tore apart a topiary I made a long time ago and kept the flowers, cuz you just never know.  Well, I combined all these things and this is what I came up with:

Now the flowers on the Title are from the topiary set along with the buttons from Austyn's dress shirt.

The tan fabric/lace is from the table runner.  I cut about every 9 holes and weaved a piece of blue ribbon through it.

I punched a flower out of blue cardstock and then layered strips of the lacey stuff around the punch with hot glue to make a flower.  Then I inked the fabric and added a button to form the flower and hotglued some leaves to the back of it.

The tags are cut from SCAL's tags shapes and inked around them.  Then I used more of the lacey fabric and cut strips to attach to the tags.  I also used some leftover twine and made my own baker's twine.  If you want to see how I did that you can check it out here.

Now the title/tag I made for myself.  You see, I just underwent some major dental work and I am so excited to be able to really SMILE for a change.  It's been a long time coming and I feel so much better about myself.  I wanted to commemorate this feat for myself, thus the layout is for ME!!!  I used Getting Cricky's stamps set "Positive Thoughts" and "Amazing You".  Now, some say you shouldn't brag about yourself, but I don't think I am bragging, just feeling good about ME!!!  Believe me, it's a new feeling for me to be this happy and confident.  Even my BFF said that I am smiling more and actually laughing out loud.  My mom used to always say, when you feel good about yourself you are a nicer person and it shows.  Well, mom, again you were right!!!

So I hope I've inspired you to create a layout with things you can reuse or recycle.  Remember, every little bit helps.  If you don't recycle on you layouts, remember to recycle through your garbage though.  It doesn't take very long to separate your items and help save the earth one step at a time.


  1. Such a gorgeous project. I love the colors and the flowers

  2. Oh Brenda, you did such an awesome job with your it. Multi functional...super idea. TFS! ~Shen

  3. Wow. I love the details on this! Nice work!!!

  4. Your layout is beautiful!!! Love all your recycled features! :)

  5. Such a gorgeous LO. I love the colors and the flowers and the recycling.

  6. Wow. You did a fabulous job. The page is beautiful and a wonderful tribute to YOU. What an awesome work recycling.

  7. What a neat LO and Moms are always right. (I don't think you're bragging about yourself!)

  8. I agree 100% with your mom. I've been told the same. When I'm feeling good about myself, it shows all over - when I'm NOT, man, does that EVER show! LOL!!

    Gorgeous LO, very pretty!! Love those flowers.

  9. I love this Brenda!! Great job collecting all of those buttons. Wonderful page all about YOU.


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