Good day friends,
I want to show you a quick and easy peasy idea for creating your own special coasters. I love wine and am always looking for ways to craft either using wine products or making wine decor. I have the perfect job as I work in a wine store. We carry only South Dakota made wines and also some local gift and food items.
One of my very good friends loves this wine made in Rapid City. It's a Cabernet and made by Firehouse. Well, we carry this wine in the store and we open various bottles for tasting. When this bottle went empty I snatched it up and took the label off. Now I've tried a gazillion different methods and this is the one I've found to be the best. I put the bottle in the sink standing up and run water through my coffee maker. Then I pour the hot water into the bottle and wait about 3 to 5 minutes. I immediately make another pot of hot water. Then I slowly start peeling the label off. If it's not easy yet, pour hot water in again. Honestly, most of the time it works the first time. It also depends on the actual labels. Some come off easier than others. Now you don't have to wait for the label to dry or risk the label tearing by other methods.
Once I had the label off nicely I applied a thin coat some ModPodge to the tile (just got at my local hardware store) itself. Some labels will still be a bit sticky which works perfectly. Just place your label on your tile how you like it. Some labels you may need to trim or place wonky. Totally up to you how you want it to look. This label was rectangular instead of square so I placed it corner to corner and burnished down the sides. I used the labels from both the front and the back of the bottle to make a "set" of coasters for her. Now let this set up for a half hour or so at least. Once that is dried completely I brushed another coat of ModPodge to the top to seal the label. I also let that set up for another half hour.
Now this next step in not necessary, but I wanted my tile to have a nice finish. ModPodge is ok, but I love the look of the
Amazing Clear Cast Resin. It gives a feel that the label is under glass.
So mix up your
Amazing Clear Cast Resin like this
HERE. It's super easy and does not require a lot of experience. After I've mixed up my resin I let it sit for about 5 minutes to get all the bubbles out from stirring. Then slowly pour over your tile. I actually pick my tile up and let it flow around. Amazing Clear Cast Resin is self leveling so make sure when you have the resin all over your tile that you place it on a level surface. Also, if you have some bubbles forming you can take a heat gun to it or if you don't have a heat gun, take a straw and blow the bubbles. You can even take a lighter and go over the bubbles and they will magically disperse. I found this item at my local thrift store while looking for things to upcycle. I'm not sure what it is, but Oh Lordy, it's Amazing! A perfect doming board for my bigger items. The excess resin just drips into the bottom of the pan. I'm assuming that someday I will have this filled up and then will need to throw it away. That will be a sad, sad, day! LOL

When I work with my resin I tend to overmix and then I need some of my
Nothing ever goes to waste. I always have extra embellishments ready for crafting.
Now I placed a box over the tray and let that set up for 24 hours to make absolutely sure it was hardened. I really wish you could see the thickness of the tile, but I just couldn't get a good picture. You can see the awesome glare on the tile though. It's a beautiful finish. I actually like doming these tiles better because you don't get the streaks like when you use ModPodge and you also have to understand that the Amazing Clear Cast Resin is food safe. So you could make some tiles for your cheese to eat while you are drinking your wine!
(The stains on the label is actually from the wine when we poured it.
I was totally ok with that as it gives it authenticity.)
I added some cork to the bottom of the tiles so that they wouldn't scratch
the surface when placed on the table.
I can't wait to give these to her. I'm sure she will love them.
I hope you've enjoyed my quicky project and I'll be seeing you soon again.
I've got some fabulous projects in the works.
As always, have a great day and God Bless.