Good morning friends,
I'm here today to show you a board I made for a friend. I've posted a lot of my signs on facebook and now I have friends constantly asking me to make them something. But of course I will try anything for a couple of bucks. I've gone onto Etsy and other sites to see how much reclaimed barnwood signs are and oh my, I'm way undercharging. With that being said, I do this for fun and have a blast making my friends happy!
So let's get started:
I started with a 12 x 12 board that my husband so nicely cut for me. If you saw last weeks post about my wineglass holder you read that my daughter's boyfriend gave me a couple stack of reclaimed barnwood. Yeah me! This barnwood is over 100 years old.
I sanded and cleaned the wood very well. You really need to do this to make sure it's safe for in your house. I did not stain this board as I wanted the natural wood look. Then I spray painted some black kinda in the middle of the board. While that was drying ...
... with my cricut I cut out the saying with some dollar store sticky back shelf liner
and burnished it down very very good. This is a must so that the paint doesn't bleed
and that will give you nice crisp lines.
Then I took some acrylic paint in a sea green
(oops, picture is upside down)
and spunged all over the board.

After it was completely dry I peeled the vinyl letters up
sanded the edges and all around the board
and viola ...
I think this turned out amazing and my friend absolutely loves it.
I hope you've enjoyed my sign and would love to hear some comments.
As always, have a great day and God Bless!