
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Lasting Memories New DT Kickoff

Good Morning friends

Hello! Here we are in Sept, can you believe that? It's crazy how fast time has gone by and I would like to thank Karen over at Lasting Memories for keeping me on the DT for another term.  I've had the best time working with her and all the talented ladies.  Be sure to head on over there AFTER you've visited the rest of this post and welcome the new DT.  I am excited to be working with the new team.  Now there is also another surprise...We have a sponsor this week!!! MyMemories is offering up a copy of their latest digital scrapbooking software!! What do you have to do to enter?
  1.  Join the challenge this week and be sure to link up!
  2. Visit MyMemories then come make sure you leave a comment at Lasting Memories telling us what your favorite digital kit is!
That's it!! Be sure to do both to qualify for this awesome giveaway! Now, let's get this party started!!

First I'd like to welcome the new DT personally.  I am so thrilled to be working with all of you.  I've had an opportunity to check out some of your blogs and am so thrilled with the talent Karen chose again.  I'm sure you will have a great time here with us at Lasting Memories.  I am sad that some of the ladies have stepped down but I will continue to stalk you anyways.  Good luck with your new adventures..

So now on to this week's challenge!! This week, it's all about "Simply You" ... can be your style, you personally, something you love .. just "Simply You". Super easy, super fun!!!

This layout was super fun for me.  I normally do not
scrap about myself, but this was the perfect layout
for the pictures I had and a lot of firsts for me!!! 
I added some flowers topped with bling in 
front of a skeleton leaf.  
I hand stitched the G with fishing line and
 attached it to the fish and used some bling also.
The only thing I cut on this layout was the mat behind the 
pictures and the Title, but of course I did use the E-Craft.

I also used this layout for the challenge over at PaperSecrets.  Each week we are given an assignment for a layout. I really don't care if I win the contest, it's just helping me to do more layouts that I should have done a long time ago (or some new ones in this case). If you participate and follow the guidelines you advance to the next week. We started with 27 and 10 moved onto again last week.  These ladies are relentless, but so am I...LOL  I will keep updating you as I go along. Who knows, I might not be able to participate one week and then I am out, but until then, I am scrapping my butt off, (they used a different word, but my blog is family friendly...hehehe
Here is the sketch:

This is what I needed to use for the challenge and 

what is in red is is what I used.  
3+ photo corners
3+stick pins
journaling embellishment
hand or machine stitching
glitter/micro beads

Now head on over to Lasting Memories after you've scrapped about Simply YOU and join our challenge.  Remember we are also giving away a prize from 


  1. Hey, DT Sister!! :) What a FUN layout you've shared today!! I love all the little details (the skeleton leaf is so COOL!!) and the BLING!! I hope you know how super excited I am to be on the team with you -- YAY!! :)

    Thanks for sharing more of your wonderful talent!!

    Big hugs,
    Amy :) at

  2. Awesome layout. I love that you stitched with fishing line and attached to the fish. Such a clever idea. I might have to scraplift it. Thanks for the inspiration.


  3. I'm so excited to be part of the team with you! Can't say I would've thought to use the fishing line to sew, thats am awesome idea!

  4. Hey there! Wow love what you did on this page! The fishing line connecting the title work to the fish!! Great touch... love the skeleton leaf with you flower cluster! Wow I can't believe you are still going on the Paper Secrets challenge! I got up to 5 before I messed up! Definitely admire your perseverance! Great page!!

  5. Hi, Brenda!!! Of course that's one great layout!!! And congrats for remaining on the DT team!!! I know they have to love and be thrilled you're still with them!!!

  6. Happy to be working with you for another term! SORRY I haven't gotten around to your blog much! LOVE this layout and ALL the details!!
    Have a GREAT Day,
    Me-Ma Kim

  7. Awesome page Brenda. I love that you hand stitched on the G with fishing line. Awesome touch. Wonderful detail on your page. I'm so glad that you stayed on the LM for another term. I look forward to seeing your work each week.

  8. Brenda... this is such an intriguing layout! I have never seen a skeleton leaf before and the fact that you used fishing line for your stitching on your letter (s) just awe inspires me!! Fun to see more about YOU! :-)

  9. Brenda, your LO is terrific as usual! I'm a stalker too!

  10. I love the green and the blue on this page! The title is very cute too!!

  11. I love this layout! Great sketch! I am a new follower! Thanks for following me! I am gonna go and find you on FB now!:)


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