
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Thank You

Good morning all,

wasn't the blog hop just wonderful last night?  The girls did a fantastic job on their cards.  I am just amazed of how many different cards you can come up with with just one stamp set.  WOWzers.  If you missed the hop, scroll down to the next post and you can pick it up there or you can go to Getting Cricky and start at the beginning.  There is a lot of blog candy up for grabs throughout the hop, so get hopping, but not until after you check out my post for today.  Heheheh

I had to send out a couple of packages of blog candy last week and wanted to say "thank you" to the ladies that were receiving my packages.  Since we do not have a "thank you" set (yet...???) I decided that just saying "thank you" isn't always that good anyway.  Tell someone thank you by saying "You are the Best".  Yup, the Food for Thought set has some pretty good sentiments that can be duplicated for Thank You.  Thank you doesn't always cut it...tell someone they are "The best" and they will take that to heart more than Thank You...don't you agree?  Anyway, these ladies "are the best", so "thank you" for commenting on my blog and becoming a follower and for your continued support.  Go check out Audrey at and Sue at when you get a chance.  They do some pretty neat stuff.

So here is my card:

and are you sick of the fact that I have been making so many wobbles?  Well, this is another one...I love em
and so did the ladies...


  1. Hi Brenda, what an amazing card...very pretty. Terrific job with it! ~Shen

  2. Brenda, I love my card and "thank you" for being the wonderful person that you are!!!

    If I hadn't already told you, you did a terrific job with the card -- it's sitting on my porch table right now!!!

  3. Hee hee... this is GREAT!! :) Who needs a "thank you" stamp... I'd rather be "the best"!! :)

    Your GCDT Sister,
    Amy :) at

  4. So pretty! And I love all the wobbles you use. I think they are neat.



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