
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Simply Sunday "Fashion-ista"

***If you are looking for the Lasting Memories challenge, please scroll down***

Good day all and welcome to another Simply Sunday at Getting Cricky.  I just love, love, love this week's challenge.  Not that I haven't loved the other challenges, but this one by far is my favorite.  The Fashionable Friends set is so much fun and with every stamp set Kristal sells she is donating $1 to Cancer Angels to help Stage 4 level Cancer patients. Cancer Angels gives atleast 95% of all monies raised to the people in need.  This is my favorite charity as it hits close to home for me.  Again, not that the other charities aren't good, it's just my personal favorite.  Also, very quickly, I wanted to remind you that Kristal is also having a fun little contest over on her facebook page here.  Post your favorite card, layout, etc on her facebook page and she will give something away.  The most generous person on the net...
okay so now onto my card for today.  One of my design team sisters, Erika made a wiper card...what is that?  That was my reaction also...I had never heard of it, but she also made a video and you can see it here.  She did a fantastic job with the details and her video was so EASY to follow.  I decided I could do one thanks Erika and here is what I made:
The bling is from the $1 bin at Michaels.  When I saw them I knew I wanted to make something for the Fashionable Friends stamp set, but I wasn't sure.  They've been in my bling bin for about a month now and this week's challenge was exactly what I needed them for.  Yah!!!  The background papers are all from my'd think I'd be through my stash about now, but nope, not even close.  Therefore, I have no idea where the paper came from...bad me!!!  I used three, yes, three stamps on my card.  
I stamped "Girls just wanna have fun" on a flower I punched out of the same paper as the background and pop-dotted it right over the exact pattern a bit off skewer after I inked the edges a bit.  I love doing this technique and it gives it dimension without over doing it.  
Then I stamped "Shopping is my Therapy" on the wiper so that pops out.  
I just noticed I need to adhere my corner down a bit more...hmmm.
I also stamped "I (heart) my Visa" six times on the middle panel.  
So cute if I do say so myself.  This card was so easy peasy to make and I hope you go over to Erika's blog and check out her video and make on also. Leave her some blog love and tell her I sent you over after you've watched her video.  Then head on over to Getting Cricky's Simply Sunday challenge and enter your card.  You might be our next guest designer...


  1. Thank you so much Brenda for the shout out!! I am soo thrilled that you liked my tutorial and that you made a wiper card from it!!! I love love your version of it! All the bling is soo pretty! Great Job!TFS

    Lots of Love,
    Your GCDT sister,

  2. Hi Brenda, awesome it. You did such an amazing job. I have never done this type of card but thanks to you, I am definitely going to give it a try very soon. TFS! ~Shen

  3. I really like the colors and you did a great job with the design and where your stamp placement.

  4. This card is so GORGEOUS, Brenda! I love the paper and all the sparkly bling on the front! The wiper effect is so cool! What a great card - I absolutely love it :D


  5. Oh my Branda. I love all the bling!!

    Precious Hugs

  6. Great job on your card Brenda :) I love that you used Erika's tutorial! "Bling Bin" bwahahaha, I only laugh because I have one of those too and I also have stuff that has been in there forever :)
    Becky- your GCDT sister

  7. Love your card! Love your girly Bling! And what a good price!

  8. Great card! Love all the bling :-)

  9. Love the bling on the card! So great that you show cased 3 of the stamps from Kristals set!!

  10. Brenda
    Love your card, all that bling makes me want something sparkly. LOL! Grea job
    Your DT Sister

  11. I'm peeking in from my blog scrappingmamma , & returning the follow :-) your card is so adorable.

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower. Wanted to stop by and become a follower and check out your wiper card. Super cute!


  13. Your wiper card turned out so cute! I love the bling accents you used. Just perfect for this challenge.


  14. Love the bling!! Cute cute. Thanks for sharing

  15. AWESOME wiper card!! Love, love, LOVE all the bling!! :) Great inspiration for the challenge!! :)

    Thanks so much for sharing your "Fashionista" talent in the Getting Cricky Simply Sunday Challenge this week!! :)

    Your GCDT Sister,
    Amy :) at


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