
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lasting Memories #47 "Add Distressing"

Good morning fellow scrapbookers and friends
Wow, what a crazy week I've had.  Nothing out of the ordinary I suppose, just very busy with all kinds of craft projects.  It may not seem like I showed a lot of different posts, just a lot all at once.

Today I am showing you a layout I did for my Lasting Memories Design Team challenge.  Have I told you lately how much I love being over there?  You know how you can get into a rut doing the same thing over and over again?  Sure, you may add an extra brad, or ink up a photo mat this time, but do you really dig into all the creative ways you can alter your pages?  Well this week's challenge was distressing.  Sure, I do some almost on every layout, but not as much as I was challenging myself.  Here is my take on the challenge:
I inked around all the mats and the edges
of the background paper
I also sanded the pictures a bit around the edges
 and inked them to really highlight the subject 
in each photo.  I love making the subject pop and by 
distressing the outsides it gives the subject 
more of a highlighted affect.

I used my edging scissors to cut the banners
and then inked them to give them more more pop
I also used my Getting Cricky Summer Splashtastic
stamp set on the banner for added depth. 
I love how I can add her stamps to even my
layouts...they aren't just for cards.

Then I used the same edging scissors to cut apart a 
title block, inked them, added some eyelets 
and used a blue glitter gel pen to write on them.
(I hate my handwriting)

The sketch above is for my Paper Secrets challenge so
I also added this layout for that.

Each week we are given an assignment for a layout. I really don't care if I win the contest, it's just helping me to do more layouts that I should have done a long time ago (or some new ones in this case). If you participate and follow the guidelines you advance to the next week. We started with 27 and 12 moved onto this week.  I will keep updating you as I go along. Who knows, I might not be able to participate one week and then I am out, but until then, I am scrapping my butt off, (they used a different word, but my blog is family friendly...hehehe
This is what I needed to use for the challenge and what is in red is is what I used.

hand or machine stitching

3+ brads/eyelets (tags)
3+ photo corners
border punch
                                               staples (around the photo mats)
altered or raw chipboard (banners)
twine (faux homemade baker's twine)
So I hope that I've inspired you to use some distressing in your layouts and try something new.  You might surprise yourself of how many things there are to change what you've been doing.  Here's some video's to give you some ideas:
So, go and distress your layout and join us over at Lasting Memories...
who knows, you might become Top 3.


  1. Great layout Brenda. Awesome job! ~Shen

  2. I love it. Such great detail. Your banner is wonderful and I love that you used blue eyelets on the journaling pieces. Great job distressing.

  3. WOW!!! This is just stunning!! Love the little distressed flags with "edged" look as well!!! Thanks for the nice compliments on my page as well. :)

  4. AWESOME JOB!! LOVE all the DETAILS!! You ROCKED it, Girlie!

  5. Love the layout girlfriend, great job. You always do such a great job on these challenges. Have a great week.
    Hugs :),
    Kathy - Getting Cricky DTM

  6. Great layout, Brenda!! I need to do some scrapbooking for Brea's album, so maybe I'll get to create a layout for this challenge :) Thanks for the inspiration!! :)

    Your GCDT Sister,
    Amy :) at

  7. Your layout is just wonderful, Brenda! I love the look of the sanded photos.


  8. What a great layout! And your distressing... even on the pictures!! You are brave! :-) this is seriously a wonderful layout and I love your inspiration!!

  9. How COOL is this?! So many different techniques!

  10. This is great and look at all your distressing ideas!! Awesome!


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