
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lasting Memories #46 "Try your Hand @ Mosaic"

Good Morning and welcome to another Lasting Memories submission. 

Now I've been having so much fun creating layout for Lasting Memories.  All the girls over there are such an inspiration and so sweet and Karen makes us work so hard...I am just kidding!!!.  It's been great to "think" outside my box and come up with new ways of scrapbooking.  Now if I could only get the hang of using pattern paper.  I am so glad to be designing over there and hope that I have given some of you some inspiration.  This week's challenge was "Try Your Hand @ Mosaic"  WOW!!!  I actually learned a technique using this idea a long time ago and had to go back to my archives and find out how it was done so let's get started...

Take a picture and flip it over.  Now draw your grid ...  you can use whatever size you want.  As you can see by my picture it isn't even.  I made the outside squares a bit smaller and actually made them rectangles.  Once you have your grid laid out, number each square and then cut them out.  The reason for numbering them is so you don't have to try to PUZZLE the picture back together as a precaution if when you flip your picture over again you don't loose your space.  I actually just pick up each piece, dab some glue on it and place it on my mat that I cut just a bit larger than the picture itself.  

There was a bit of dead space, (that's what I call it when it's really not needed in the picture) so I added a small picture of my son with the bubble wand.  You can't really tell it's not supposed to be there unless you look really hard.  This was super fun to make and I hope I've inspired you to try some mosaics on your layouts.  It gives your pictures some new dimension and adds a lot to a layout I think.  Be sure to head on over to Lasting Memories and link up your layout with a mosaic look.


  1. OMGoodness Brenda, what an amazing layout. You did such a fantastic job! ~Shen

  2. This is wonderful, and your pictures are awesome!

  3. Great job Brenda. I love how you added the photo of your son with the bubble wand. It adds a lot to the page. I love the way the page came together.

  4. Gosh... I think the Mosaic look really makes this Bubble photo even more exciting. You did this great. Love how you poppped in the smaller picure of your son. Such a wonderful "Highlighting" idea. Love it!!

  5. Your mosaic is GREAT! It's fun doing all these different techniques, don't you think?! I love the way you highlighted your son with the bubble wand!

  6. Gorgeous layout! I keep meaning to try a mosaic - yours turned out great.



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