
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Candy Jewelry

I am doing another post for the day, can you believe it?  I'm supposed to be getting ready to go camping for a week and here I am crafting...priorities right?

Well, since I am going to be seeing my niece in a few days, (she's 5) and I always bring her a treat or small gift of some kind, I thought I'd make her this after getting inspired by another design team member Amy...her post will be up tomorrow or Friday, so make sure you check out what she made.  Hers involve different candy food...LOL

I got these candies at the Dollar Tree.  You can make 4 sets out of bag...wish I had more little girls around and Miss Bella is just a little too little for these yet.

I used my scraps for the tags and flowers that have been cut for ages and laying around, added some bling for the center of the flower and of course a Getting Cricky Fashionable Friends stamp set.  

I am also entering this into the challenge over at Squirly Girl Creations...a design team sister.  Here are the rules:

1. You must use K Andrew Designs Art Stamps (yeah, easy, hard part is choosing which set)
2. You may only use your scraps! (on your honor, please don't cheat) (too many of these so that easier yet)
3. Link up to Mr. Linky mentioning my blog and this challenge in your post (did that)
4. Become a follower of mine (already am)
5. I'd love it if you would grab my blinkie and add it to your blog and like Squirly Girl Creations on FB as well :) (these are not required but would be super nice) (well duh)

So I hope I've inspired you to use your scraps and join in over at Rebecca's blog.  


  1. Love this Brenda! I'm so gld you joined me on my mission to use up some scrps and show some K Andrew love :)

  2. Super cute she is going to love it!!!Thanks for stopping by Brenda! I think I might have to do this little challenge! I have a ton of scraps that I could use!!! FUN!

  3. Brenda, she's going to just love that!!! How cute!!!

    I remember candy bracelets when I was a little girl and I just love them!!! What a great memory to rcall!!!

    Now get to packing!!! LOL!!!

  4. Cute, cute, cute!



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